🔒 Privacy Policy for Syncgrip 🔒

At Syncgrip, the privacy of our users is of extreme importance. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information that is received and collected by our service and how it is used.

📁 Data Access and Usage

We want to clarify that we never store or review the data contained within the services we access on behalf of our customers. Our operations are limited to passing data between services and accessing metadata such as CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE events in the respective service we synchronize. Additionally, we have access to metadata relating to the structures within which the users' data is housed, such as column names, project/table names, etc.

📝 What We Collect

The only information we collect is related to the use of our service, which includes but is not limited to, user interaction with the service, preferences, and settings chosen within the service. This information is used solely for the purpose of enhancing user experience and improving our service.

🔧 Use of Information

Any information we collect is used only to provide and improve the service we offer to you. We do not share, sell, rent, or trade personal information with third parties for their commercial purposes.

📅 Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes.

✉️ Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.